Oh Lavender

Sep 24, 2007

Hubby B's dad came back from his Silk Route Adventure Tour on Saturday morning. Of course uncle shared a number of his tour experiences with us during the breakfast time. Wow... I really salute uncle's determination & as well as his interests to complete his 15 days tour there. Moreover, he has already at his late 50's (don't play-play)! I don't think Hubby B & I can do so. Haha....

Uncle told us that there were nothing much to shop there. He only manage to visit their local market & he got this potpourri for me. It's my favourite lavender. The aroma is very strong. BB even smelled it when he entered the room. Some potpourri in the market is fragrance based but this one is definitely natural. Why I said so? Hehe... my instinct lor. No la. Maybe I am in love with all this aroma stuffs so my senses can tell me the differences. It came with the cloth & a pack of dried lavender. So i just filled it in & tied it up. Simple & easy, right?

I have put it into my pillow so that it could ease my stress, tension and also for my relaxation.