My First Digital Camera
Nov 30, 2007
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 11:48 PM 6 comments
Labels: New Thing, Technology
World's Best Friend Week
Nov 28, 2007
“Do you know the relationship between your 2 eyes? They blink together, move together, cry together, see things together and sleep together. Even though they never see each other, friendship should be just like that! Life is like Hell without FRIENDS. Its ‘World Best Friend Week’. Send this to your best friends to let them know you appreciate them. “
Your Love is Ur Heart,
Your heart is Ur Spouse,
Your spouse is Ur Future,
Your future is Ur Destiny,
Your destiny is Ur Ambition,
Your ambition is Ur Aspiration,
Your aspiration is Ur Motivation,
Your motivation is Ur Belief,
Your belief is Ur Peace,
Your peace is Ur Target,
Your target is Heaven,
Heaven is no fun without FRIENDS.
I would also like to share this World's Best Friend Week Award with the following bloggers who has given me the courage & great advices through my blogging journey:
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 10:45 PM 6 comments
Labels: Award, Friends, Friendship, Tag
It is Your BIG Day, Shirley!
Nov 27, 2007

Just finished baking this virtual birthday cake for Lovely Mummy! I have known this strong & detemination lady through blogsphere. Anyway, on this special day, I wish u a day that brings the best in life for u. May life lead u to great happiness and success. Have a lovely birth day.
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 12:00 AM 6 comments
Labels: Friends, Friendship
What Is He Doing?
Nov 24, 2007
According to my SIL, this treatment helps to open the bronchi, which are the airways of the lungs. The medicine relaxes the muscles around the airways. It is an aerosol and is given to through an aerosol machine (nebulizer).
I remembered when he was about 4-5 months old, he was on this nebulizer as well. It is kind of painful to see him suffering at this young age. However, I must praise him for being so obedient & clever. Hence, my younger brother & I decided to reward him with the Thomas & Friends Road & Rail set.
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 11:54 PM 9 comments
Bacon Wrapped Asparagus Bundles
I was craving for this finger food since last week. BB cooked it for us but only one per person. How naughty he is to keep me missing of this food so badly.
I decided to try out his recipe when I did my shopping at Jusco this afternoon. I modified the recipe by using pork tenderloin instead of bacon & I did not use salmon in my recipe.
It is an easy recipe & it turned out to be overwhelming one.
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 9:14 PM 2 comments
Labels: Food and Beverage, Love, Recipe
Health Tip
Nov 23, 2007
Guess this is the most easier tag that I ever have. Hehe.. Thanks Lovely Mummy.

Copy the whole thing, skim the list and put a * star beside those that you like. (Check out especially the * starred ones.) Share one of your own health tip (tip on how to be more healthy) with others. Try to make your tip short but informative. Tag at least 2 person.
1. Be happy - Everyday health and beauty
2. Be contented with what God Bless us - chanelwong
3. Be faithful - Ruth
4. Laugh a lot - Chinnee
5. Take time out for rest and relaxation - Kiasumum
6. Eat healthily and do exercise.- Montessorimum
7. Get a good sleep - Lovely Mummy
8. Go for your yearly medical check-up - Takfenglili
So Kee Yit & Janice, may you share it with us ur health tip please?
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 10:42 PM 4 comments
Nov 14, 2007
Jo-N passed me this 3 in 1 tag. I love it because 3-in-1 Nescafe is my favourite. Hope this tag will bring me umh... too.
Tag No. 1
A movie that made you laugh
Can't remember
A book that made you cry
A best friend
Poh Kien
A favorite childhood memory
I got rewards from my dad for my results & birthday
Your favorite animal
Your favorite food
Japanese food, seafood, .... and so much more
An item of clothing you can't do without
Something you collect
Watches & T-shirts
Your favorite store to shop in
No particular stores in mind
Your favorite flower
Tag No. 2
If you were given a chance to be an animal one day, what would you like to be and why?
I think dog but must under a passionate owner. For me, dog is a loyal & tame animal.
Tag No. 3
4 jobs I have had in my life:
1. Clerk (While waiting for my SPM results)
2. Childcare teacher (While waiting for STPM results)
3. Administrative Executive (After graduated, I worked with a trading company for 1.5 yrs)
4. Purchasing Executive (I was with Possehl Electronic for 3 years plus)
4 places I have lived:
1. Melaka
2. Bangi
3. Kajang
4 of my favorite food:
1. Japanese food
2. Seafood
3. Rojak
4. Steamboat
4 places I would rather be right now:
1. My bed
2. Europe
3. Spa
4. -
4 countries I have been to on vacation:
1. New Zealand (South)
2. Bangkok
3. Hanoi
4. Singapore
Tagging now: (You can choose to do one tag, two tags or all three)
Chin Nee
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 9:09 PM 14 comments
Labels: Tag
T for Takfenglili
Here’s how it works:
Use the first letter of your name to answer each question. Must be places, names…Nothing made up. Can’t use own name for boy/girl’s name question. If can’t answer, skip to next one.
1. Famous Singer: Teresa Teng
Lets see how these people answer their questions:
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 9:06 PM 3 comments
Labels: Tag
The Truth Is Finally Out!
Nov 13, 2007
So, I called up Shell Customer Service to check the details needed for lodging a complaint to Shell. The CS also confirmed that the fuel color for V-Power is blue. So what have I filled it in to my car? Seriously, I was confused. The receipt was inside m car. I will have to check it when I’m back to the workshop.
I have no concrete reasons to complain to the petrol station now. What a price that I have to pay for making such a silly mistake! But I don’t understand why Shell uses the same pump handler for both V-Power & Regular. My friends told me that there is a note on top stating it is VP or Regular one. I’m not trying to push the blame to Shell, but logically, for those who can’t read, they can only recognize the colour, right? Anyway, I will convey this message to Shell for their improvement. Who knows one fine day when you bumped into the petrol kiosk, you’ll notice the change in the handler for the Regular pump. Haha… please remember who is the heroine behind ya.
My uncle who is a mechanic has advised me to refill my tank after finishing the existing culprit. He asked me not to waste money changing the pump. I double confirmed with my brother’s mechanic & he told me the same thing as well. So I immediately called up Toyota to stop the parts ordering.
I made a little research from the web. Shell is the pioneer to go 100% unleaded in 1999. So the fuel that I got into my car is Formula Shell Regular Unleaded (92 Octane). Toyota Vios recommended octane is 93. So what does octane mean? A lower octane rating means less power only. It will not harm your engine but only sluggish a bit. But some also said that it is not good for Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) as it will clog up the sensors. Another suggestion given by the car expert is you can buy a bottle of octane booster with the money saved and regain some power.
Anyway, I have concluded that I will not use V-Power anymore unless the handler is changed. Haha….
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 11:49 PM 14 comments
He Has Landed in The Ward!
Nov 12, 2007
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 10:48 PM 5 comments
Wanna Know 8 Random Facts About Me?
Nov 11, 2007
The Rules:
- Link to your tagger and post these rules.
- List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
- Tag eight people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
- Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.
My random 8 facts:
- I used to spend my best friend junk food when I was in standard 2 and 3. But guess what did I do? On one fine day, I wanted to claim from her the money that I spent on her. I got scolded from my mum because of this stupid behaviour.
- I was summoned by PLUS (an expressway authority in Malaysia) 3 years ago due to damaging their divider bar. Why did I do that? Because I fell asleep when I was driving back from Seremban to Melaka.
- I can't watch movie on the bed as I tend to fall asleep after 30 mins of the showtimes.
- I am not an adventurous woman as I grow older.
- Sometimes I will steal my working hours to attend a facial treatment.
- I have not had the chance to travel by aeroplane until the age of 31. My first trip was to New Zealand with my present employer.
- I love kids but I always worry that I could not have my own babies due to I had my cyst removed early this year.
- I am closer with my younger brother than my elder brother though our age (i mean my tounger brother) are only 5 years apart.
Finally I have completed this meme & I'm going to pass this interesting tag to the fellow friends:
Enjoy yourself with this tag. :)
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 12:12 PM 8 comments
Labels: Tag
Garage Floors
Nov 10, 2007
I did not know that there are so many designs available for garage flooring. The garage flooring tiles are the ideal one because it helps to solve the problematic flooring. You can even design your own flooring by entering the dimensions of your garage, the tile type and template into the system. Then, it will correctly tell you the amount needed for each color that you have chosen.
With such a simple step and also easy installation, let us have a refresh our garage floor for this coming Christmas.
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: PayPerPost, Travel and Living
Blue Ribbon Campaign for Childhood Cancer
According to our Health Minister, Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek that at least 3 children are diagnosed with cancer every day in our country. The saddest case is when the parents has refused to face the fact that their child is disgnosed with cancer. They even went to seek for their the treatment from the bomoh or sensei. As such, the child was delayed for treatment & it worsen their disease state. I believe it only happened in the rural areas due to their poor knowledge towards the diseases.
Have you heard of Blue Ribbon Campaign? It is a campaign that create the awareness of child cancer in Malaysia. BRC also helps the affected children and their families, particularly those with financial crisis by raising funds for treatment & help grant wishes of the ill kids.
We have given our support to Blue Ribbon Campaign by planting a wish in Rainbow of Life Forces. Do you wish to plant a wish to? Besides, with the 100,000 coin boxes, you can also make a donation at Celcom outlets, CIMB or selected media organization to help in the fund raising program.
"We Are Here For You Every Step Of The Way."
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 3:40 PM 3 comments
Happy Blogging Wish
Nov 8, 2007
So sweet of Lovely Mummy to send me this encouraging poem. Even since I joined the blog world, I must admit that I have get to know many great bloggers & have learnt a lot from them as well. I look forwards to read their blog each day. I try to give my best supports to them too. However, if I did offend anyone of you, please forgive me, ya.
This Happy Blogging Wish came from the mom behind the Poems For Cards website, a website created with much effort and talent and it’s definitely a website worth visiting.
So I wish to pass this meaningful poem to the following dedicated bloggers:
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 8:34 PM 6 comments
Happy Birthday, Little Car Lover!
Then he also shared his joys with his music class's friends. He brought each of them a goodie bag which filled with sweets, biscult, chocolate, jelly, etc. Then on Friday night, Winnie and her parents also had a buffet dinner celebration with him at Renaissance Hotel.
We also celebrated his birthday yesterday. He seems to enjoy himself very much. Till the end of the celebration, we asked him if he is happy with the birthday celebration. He replied us "ppy" (he can't pronounce the full word yet). My SIL told us that he even insisted to wear the Car's T-shirt to sleep. Hmmm... really a car mania. Haha..
Anyway, just wanna give him our very best wishes. Wishing him to stay happy and healthy throughout his journey. Guess he is having fun in Pontian now. Another round of birthday celebration with my SIL's family.
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 2:51 PM 3 comments
Hogwarts Invitation
Nov 6, 2007

I am Hufflepuff with the following in-depth results:
Hufflepuff - 15
Ravenclaw - 11
Gryffindor - 10
Slytherin - 7
*** start copy paste this invitation***
I know what you're all thinking, "Not -another- sorting quiz!", but before you get bored and leave, let me say a few things about it. This is not the ordinary sorting quiz that you're used to. Unlike all those other quizzes infesting the Internet, this quiz actually sorts you for who you are as a person, not because your favorite animal is a lion.
I made this quiz as a reaction to all the bad sorting quizzes. The problem with most of the existing quizzes, is that the questions rarely have anything to do with which house you would actually be sorted into. Your favorite color doesn't effect which house you belong to. Not every Gryffindor likes defense against the dark arts, not every Slytherin likes potions. Just look at Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Each is in Gryffindor, but each has a completely different disposition. Harry's father was often a bully and a thief, yet he was still in Gryffindor.
This quiz will actually ask you psychological questions with a variety of answers that can't easily be determined as to which house they fit into. This was meant to be more like what the Sorting Hat does. Just remember though that you must answer these questions truthfully in order to get an accurate answer.
Also these questions are written to take place in our world, not the world of Harry Potter. I didn't give a Harry Potter theme to the quiz because the answers are more accurate this way. As Muggles, we don't have any idea what it's like to be faced with a troll or a bogart and we've never played quiddich. Our answers may be skewed as to how our favorite characters would act instead of ourselves. However, we all know what it's like to live in the Muggle world because we do it every day.Please take the test and copy paste this *master list* after you are sorted and don't forget to tag your friends! Let's see which tower has the most members!
Gryffindor: Karen, Adrian, Eric Speedcat
Ravenclaw: Mr. Fong, Jojo, kasper794
Hufflepuff: Trinity, Amel, Jo-N
***end copy paste***
Which group do you belong to?
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 11:06 PM 11 comments
Labels: Tag
Under One Roof Services
Nov 5, 2007
This opportunity has been opened to me for quite sometimes. However, I’m quite reluctant to write any of the review with regards to this website. Please do not misunderstand that we had a bad experiences with this site. Frankly speaking, I don’t even know its existence when I did my online hotel search previously. I know I am being unfair because of condemning it without visit the site.
I decided to visit Hotel Reservations today. I compared it with our favourite site. Oh I can’t believe my eyes. Is that true? I don’t believe it and I kept trying with few more hotels. It is true. We own you an apology, Hotel Reservations. Both rates are quite comparable and at times Hotel Reservations can be cheaper than our favourite one. The only suggestion would be to add in the travelers’ review towards the hotel they have stayed. With this, it helps the next traveler to decide his or her hotel booking besides the rate factor.
Hotel Reservations provide you with under one roof services; from online flight booking, vacation package, vacation rental, hotel reservation to car rental. I like their search option menu. It is quite details and is particularly useful for customers with different preferences.
Luckily I did not waste my times exploring this new site. We will definitely put Hotel Reservations in our list for our coming holidays.
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 12:44 AM 0 comments
Labels: PayPerPost, Travel and Living
Handsome Boy Boy!
Nov 4, 2007
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 12:48 AM 4 comments
Review Before Placing Your Bet
Nov 3, 2007
Pro360 online casino offers the best online casino reviews. It reviews varieties of game, such as card games, slot machines, roulette, backgammon, sports betting, etc across 3000 online casinos. At a glance, the player can have a good summary of the review on each casino based on the game experience, trust scores, best bonuses for each game and the rating from both editor and the players. It also shows the players the certification that obtained by each casino.
To all the players out there, please download and bet with the right casino after analyzing the trustworthy review from Pro360.
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 11:56 PM 0 comments
Surprise from Him
Nov 2, 2007
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 11:45 PM 5 comments