On Christmas Day, both of us went for Roasted Turkey hunting. Most of the roasted turkeys have already been booked (EQ Hotel, Euro Deli & Jusco) except for Renaissance Hotel. It costs about RM 220 for a roasted turkey with stuffings. Then we wanted to buy a raw turkey back but the plan was cancelled. It was partly due to the size of the turkey (5-6kg) & also the preparation times needed. So we have no turkey dinner for this Christmas.
We decided to cook the dinner for tonight. So we went to Jusco to grab for the ingredients. BB cooked the Bacon, Salmon & Asparagus Bundles while I prepared a Baked Corn Tortilla Chips. Aunty grilled the sausages & of course yummy dessert, Durian!

eh, Li, i think wine and durian shudnt be eaten be together. will kena toxic la...
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