After googling about Bubble Eye Goldfish, I found some interesting info. Do check it out.
They are cute, isn't it?
Dec 31, 2007
After googling about Bubble Eye Goldfish, I found some interesting info. Do check it out.
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 5:21 PM 7 comments
Labels: Pet
Eye Cream from Estee Lauder
Dec 29, 2007

Well, my friend told me that the way I applied my eye cream may cause damage to the very sensitive skin that surrounds the eyes. The correct way to apply eye cream is by dotting small amounts of the cream around our eyes. Using a circular motion & our ring finger, pat slowly starting from the inside of our eyelid. As we pat using a circular motion, the cream will be absorbed by the skin until it is no longer visible.
So ladies out there, be it you are in your 20's, 30's, 40's or 50's, let starts taking care of your eyes now!
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 4:04 PM 6 comments
Dental Scaling
Dec 28, 2007

Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 4:03 PM 2 comments
Flower Shots
Dec 26, 2007
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 9:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: Snapshot
Our Pets
Dino wasn't that confidence when doing all those jumping. He needed few times of coaching & guidance from Hubby B. Perhaps he needs more practice.
Kylie wasn't participating in this training. She took her own sweet times relaxing at her own place. Well Flame is the most arrogant dog. It is so difficult to take her shot. She just refused to look at the camera. Oh... I gave up on her!
I also tried to take down a few shots for the Koi using difference camera features. Certain shots are nice & beautiful. What do you think?
How Did You Celebrate Your Christmas?
Dec 25, 2007
On Christmas Day, both of us went for Roasted Turkey hunting. Most of the roasted turkeys have already been booked (EQ Hotel, Euro Deli & Jusco) except for Renaissance Hotel. It costs about RM 220 for a roasted turkey with stuffings. Then we wanted to buy a raw turkey back but the plan was cancelled. It was partly due to the size of the turkey (5-6kg) & also the preparation times needed. So we have no turkey dinner for this Christmas.
We decided to cook the dinner for tonight. So we went to Jusco to grab for the ingredients. BB cooked the Bacon, Salmon & Asparagus Bundles while I prepared a Baked Corn Tortilla Chips. Aunty grilled the sausages & of course yummy dessert, Durian!

Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 11:42 PM 1 comments
Labels: Family, Festive Seasons, Food and Beverage, Love, Pet, Recipe
Merry Christmas!
Dec 24, 2007
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 12:35 AM 10 comments
Labels: Festive Seasons, Snapshot
Dong Zhi 冬至
Dec 22, 2007

Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 10:58 PM 2 comments
Labels: Children, Family, Festive Seasons, Food and Beverage