After reading your post on, I’m actually wondering if I would spend my times on making this peg hanger. Perhaps I will do it few years later when I have my children. I think this is an interactive activity. It not only improves the relationship within each member but it also helps to explore the creativity of our children.
Interactive Activity
Aug 23, 2007
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 9:56 PM 1 comments
Labels: Children, PayPerPost
All About Me!
This is the 1st tag that I got from my friend. Chin Nee, thanks for guiding me through!
Where is your cell phone? Right besides me
Relationship? Single but not available
Your hair? Shoulder length & layered
Work? Sales executive
Your sister? To be found in my next cycle of life
Your favorite thing? Shopping
Your dream last night? Lizards (must be due to my post on last Sunday)
Your favorite drink? Juices without sugar please
Your dream car? BMW M1
The room you’re in? Bedroom
Your shoes? In the shoes cabinet
Your fears? Losing my love one
What do you want to be in 10 years? Happy family
Who did you hang out with this weekend? HIV experts
What are you not good at? Pay-Per-Post
Muffin? Kenny Roger's banana muffin
One of your wish list items? Digital Camera / PDA with wifi
Where you grew up? Melaka
Last thing you did? Turn off my laptop
What are you wearing? T-shirt, shorts & spectacles
What aren’t you wearing? For me to know & for you to find out
Your pet? Kylie, Dino & Flame
Your computer? Dell & IBM
Your life? Can be better
Your mood? Happy because has done something good.
Missing? My Hubby B
What are you thinking about right now? Zzz.........
Your car? Toyota Vios
Your kitchen? Tidy & clean
Your summer? Can I find winter in Malaysia?
Your favorite color? Red
Last time you laughed? During yoga class with a group of aunties.
Last time you cried? Last 2 months when I have mood swing due to my birth control pill's side effect
School? SM IJC
Love? All the people around me
I shall share this tag with my fellow friends:
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 12:17 AM 2 comments
Aug 22, 2007

We did 50 sets of sun salutation. Wow... it was really taxing for us after a tiring day at work! I don't think that I will be able to complete it. Haha... guess what? With my determination, I did it! Though in between the poses, I did want to give up due to the shortness of breath & tiring mind & body, but I kept on reminding myself that I should stay focus & I can do it.
My abdomen is so painful now & I think I have gastritis too. Didn't I have enough for dinner? What had I eaten wrongly? All wrong. I'm positively confirmed that the pain was due to the 50 sets sun salutation! Thanks to Malaysia-man!
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 10:01 PM 0 comments
A New & Easy Way To Earn Extra Pocket Money
Aug 21, 2007
Since I am a beginner, I will go for the simplest opportunity first. So when I am established and skilled, then the advertiser will start to notice me by offering me a better pay. Wow… I will be earning more dollars! I am dreaming that I can even quit my job and become a full time blogger for advertiser. What a wonderful start but the problem is most of the opportunities are only open during my sleeping hour. I guess I have to give up my beauty sleep so that I could grab a better opportunity. Wish me luck, ok?
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 9:32 AM 2 comments
Labels: PayPerPost
Everyone Can Decorate Nail at Home
Aug 19, 2007
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 11:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: New Thing
Special Gift from The Heaven
It happened this afternoon in BB's room when I was editing my blog template at that time. It was still fresh from the oven but it irritated me! So I took down this interesting pic & then cleaned it immediately.
I don’t like lizard. It looks ugly, cruel & irresponsible to me. I was frightened by a big, fat & ugly lizard before. Then, they shit anywhere they like. Aiks……
I remembered that when I was young, my mum used to tell me that once the lizard’s tail is broken, it can jump into our ears. Though it doesn’t sound logical to me now, but I still have the habit to cover my ears whenever I see a broken tail lizard. Haha… very naïve, right?
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 5:42 PM 1 comments
Labels: Daily
I Lost Her!
Aug 18, 2007
I tried to search around BB's car but I couldn't find it. was my last year birthday present given by BB from Diamond & Platinum.
I have forgotten about the lost until I recall it while watching the badminton tournament. I quickly walked through the garden hoping that I can find it back. I searched the room as well but I failed to find her.
BB has also helped in the search but too bad....... He comforted me but I'm still not happy with this lost. Stephanie ah Stephanie, how could you be so clumsy le?
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 3:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: Love
My New Face Candy
Aug 16, 2007
So, how much did I pay for it? Ta daa......... RM 168. I think the price is quite reasonable, right?
*Sigh* Sure BB is going to tease me again because I always purchase something just by the look of their attractive casing or box. Hehehe..... What to do? I have to admit that I'm a box lover!
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 9:42 PM 1 comments
Labels: Cosmetic
Unbelievable! Someone is Given Out $2,500!
Over at Ashwin's blog , you will find one crazy blog owner!! You can win $2500!! To enter just copy this text and paste it in your blog!! But hurry, this competition will not last long! So get posting!
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 5:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: Daily
Aug 14, 2007
According to victim Gladys & BB, it is the feeling that your environment is moving when no movement occurs. It is more severe than dizziness as it can make moving around difficult, as the sensation of spinning affects your balance.
Vertigo occurs when sensation from the inner ear, eyes and sensation throughout the body (somatosensory) are mismatched. Humans need all three to get their balance through co-ordination of the brain. Any abnormality in one or more of these will trigger vertigo. It can attack you suddenly & last for just a few minutes, or it may occur on and off for a number of days. Symptoms of vertigo vary in severity and may include the following:
- a feeling your surroundings are moving or spinning,
- nausea,
- vomitting,
- difficulty in standing or walking,
- the sensation of light-headedness,
- the sensation of not being able to keep up with what you are looking at, and
- the sensation that the floor is moving.
Doctor would require details such as the sensation you felt, whether nausea was present and other sensation defects such as weakness of limbs or poor vision. These details will help the doctor get the correct diagnosis. There are few medications that help in relieving vertigo; eg. anti-vertiginous medication.
Vertigo is common in all populations but its management is tricky at times. So it is essential that patients with vertigo seek early treatment to rule out other more dangerous causes.
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 10:38 AM 0 comments
Labels: Health
My Scrapbook
Aug 13, 2007
This is my first scrapbook that I created from ScrapbookFlair!
This inspiration came from Chin Nee's webpage. I'm still exploring & hopefully I will come up a better one in the near future.
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 6:14 PM 1 comments
They Are Old
Aug 12, 2007
Well, please take a look of our parents. They are getting older either. My dad & mum used to be so healthy & full of energy when we were young. As times go by, you will hear their complaints as below:
"Aiyo... last time no matter how late I stayed, especially during Chinese New Year's eve, I still felt so energetic the next day. But now, even like 11pm, I feel so restless already!" (Hehe... it's my mum usual complaint!)
I noticed their transformation. I love my parents, especially my mum. She is a very traditional lady. She has sacrified a lot for our family. She is 56 years old now but she has not been to any great places for holidays. We always wanted to bring her for holidays but she always turn us down. Her principle is she will never wanna spend her children hard earn money for "luxury" holidays! (Hmmm........ Mi ah Mi, can't you stop thinking of that? Our paths of growing weren't easy for you either. It is time for you to relax now!)
Sometimes we do hurt her but she will never argue. She will keep herself quiet there but I know that she is sad. She also shared with me that no matter how angry she is, her love to us will never change. Even Brother Godzila has married with a son, she still treats him like a child that has never grown. I used to complain that she over pampered Brother Godzila. She always reply that her love to us is equally same. Just that little brother & I know to take care of ourselves, especially when come to food. Imagine that at the age of 34, my mum still has to cut the fruits for him. Whereby we will just grab it from the fridge. Haha....... "tam chiak"!
My dad? Hmmm....... when I was a child, I like my dad. He will never turn me down when I asked for my birthday present, my rewards when I had scored good result, casettes, etc. This habit stopped on my 2nd year in university. I remembered my last gift from him were my Guess watch & a Nokia handphone.
Our relationship started to fade off when I graduated & started my work in Melaka. He drinks so much & he was drunk most of the times. My mum was the most tortured one. Every of his words hurt her so much. I felt the pain whenever I heard it as my room was just next to them. He was no longer the father I used to admire (My Pa achieved many sales achievement awards from Welcome & Unilever before. He has a great selling skills according to Uncle Frank. He even had the chance to promote as a sales manager in Unilever but he gave up this golden opportunity as they required him to be based in KL).
Though we always tell our mum that we have given up on him but deep in our heart, we still care for him. He has MI attack 4 years ago. All of us were so worried & of course we were afraid of losing him. Brother Godzila drove all the way down from JB that night & I stayed in the hospital to look after him. According to Dr. Lim, 2 of his main arteries were blocked. He did not do angioplasty for him because his health condition was a bit complicated. He has cholesterol, diabetic & hypertension. Doctor Lim wanted him to change his lifestyle. For the 1st 3 months, he was so obedient. He stopped drinking & he even took all the healthy food. However, this lifestyle didn't last long.
He started to drink once again. We were disappointed with him. We are worrying of his health but he doesn't seem to care for himself (A little secret to share here. My dad is a very good patient. He will take his medication on-time & pay the visit to the doctor as per the appointment fixed). Mum is still hoping that he will kick off his bad habit. Frankly speaking, I don't hope that he will kick off entirely but at least reduce the intake & also cut off the day of drinking from his calender. Just wish that he will realise it one day. We care for you, Pa.
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 3:33 PM 0 comments
My Birthday Cake
Hey this is the belated birthday cake given by BB. Is it nice? Come on...... I slice a piece for you. Yummy right?
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 3:11 PM 1 comments
Labels: Love
I'm So Lucky!
Aug 10, 2007
This simple words caught my attention when I turned to the very first page of the book.
Please give some thoughts that you are actually the lucky one!
We can't force happiness to happen to us! As long as we do not force & we are satisfy, then we will naturally feel the happiness is surrounding us all the times.
幸福是不能强求的,快乐也是不能勉强的,只要我们愈不强求,愈是满足, 就愈能体验幸福与分享快乐,因为有舍才有得。
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 9:50 PM 2 comments
Labels: Life
English Premier League 2007/08
Aug 9, 2007
Yeah....... Finally the long waiting EPL 2007/08 will be officially kick off on this Saturday! To celebrate for this ocassion, I have specially designed a pc of jersey for Hubby & I respectively. Haha......
If you are interested to place the order, please do not hesitate to contact us, ya.
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 11:10 PM 2 comments
Labels: Sports
I got this tag from Chin Nee. Haha..... 43%! Still need room to improve! I am quite conscious with my outlook. Else, I will not waste my money on facial, cellulite treatment, clothing, etc. A little allegics on my face will bother be the whole day. Wonder would I maintain it once I have join the mummy's group? I definitely hope I would not. Times will prove & will let you all know till the day comes.
You Are 43% Vain |
![]() You're a little vain, but more than anything you have a healthy amount of confidence. Thinking the world of yourself is great. Just don't think less of those who aren't as pretty as you! |
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 8:24 PM 2 comments
Labels: Daily
Same Question Again!
Aug 6, 2007
Cheong : How's your wedding planning?
Me : Nothing. Please do not ask me. I don't know!
Gladys : I told you that let the "accident" happened. Then he has no reason to say "No!"
Me : Please la. I don't do all this.
Chloe : Ya lor. Better not. No point forcing. It does not bring any happiness to both parties.
Me: Hmmm.... I agreed with Chloe.
Yo...... Why can't they stop haunting me with this question? I am fade up with it. I understand that they are being concerned, but in my heart, I do feel irritated!
I have made myself very clear to them that their concerns do pressurized me in some ways & I was an unhappy person at one time, especially during the period that I discovered I have endometriosis. Till recently, I decided to empty my mind from this question.
Do they think that it is the end of the story once a couple is married? Do they think that they are a much happier person once they are married? When they were argued, why do they think of divorce? Isn't it supposed to be as the marrige's vow that the husband & wife should take good care of each other?
Anyway, BB & I are happy with our current situation now. When we feel like going for holidays, we'll just pack & go! We make fun of each other very often, especially during our past 1-week holidays. So I promise that I will announce my big day once it is confirmed. If possible, I seek your understanding to stop asking this question from now on. Thanks buddies!
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 11:23 PM 1 comments
Labels: Friendship
Chicky Boy
Aug 5, 2007

We took a speed boat back to the land. Everyone was wet! Luckily, the towel saved Po Po in some extend. Haha... Now I understand why he brought the towel with him! Smart you!
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 1:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: Mobile Blog, Travel and Living
Ah Pek with His Pet

Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 12:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: Mobile Blog, Travel and Living
Coconut Village Resort
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 12:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: Mobile Blog, Travel and Living
Coconut Village Resort
Aug 3, 2007
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 3:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: Mobile Blog, Travel and Living
We Found A Pig in Sibu Island
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 12:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Mobile Blog, Travel and Living
Is She Enjoying or Suffering?
Aug 2, 2007

Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 11:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: Pet
Poor Service
Aug 1, 2007
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 6:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: Mobile Blog, Travel and Living
We're Coming Home
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 1:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: Mobile Blog, Travel and Living
See You Again, Citadines!
Posted by Tak Feng and Li Li at 1:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Mobile Blog, Travel and Living