We went for food hunting tonight. As we were driving around the Melaka Raya area, we decided to hop in to this Japanese Restaurant for our dinner. It located at Jalan PM4, Plaza Mahkota, Melaka Raya.

The moment we entered the restaurant, we saw a group of Japanese. They were enjoyed their meal & drink there. Hmm... the food here must be good & authentic, else how could they had so much!

The menu are sticked on the wall. All are in Japanese handwriting. Luckily, the waitress there is very helpful. She is cute & friendly. She recommended a lot of yummy dishes for us.

The chef is busy grilling the order placed by the customers. There is another chef too. We think they are brothers because they have the same built. :) Maybe he went to grab himself a drink as the cooking place can be very stuffy & hot.

Maguro Sashimi. The serving is pretty big & they only charged for RM 15 per plate. Feel like ordering another plate. Hehe...

Grilled Terriyaki Chicken Wing. They deboned it so nicely. A very thoughtful preparation from the chef. Thanks.

A juicy & crunchy Grilled Terriyaki Pork.

Hiyayakko. Though it is a plain & simple dish but we just fell in love with it.

Grilled Chicken with Kimchi. This isn't very nice.

Grilled Terriyaki Egg Plant. Another superb dish.

This is a special type of sushi that I have never tried before. Nice!

Japanese's Cocktail. It is sake with plum. Kind of diluted & I don't taste the plum. So I requested for additional plum. It tasted much better.

Not that expensive right? We'll be back!

BB had 2 glasses of sake. He must be a bit blur till he hit the brick at the corner of the road. See the tyre has torn!

Poor BB. Gotta change the tyre. Too bad, I can't help much. Anyway, I pampered him with a stick of apple yogurt ice cream after that.
P/S: BB told me a secret while we had our ice-cream at 7-11. Shh......