Quite a number of people I know has Vertigo. They are my ex-boss, Ms J, Uncle Tian, Hubby B & Hubby B's mum. The most recent victim will be Gladys. So I think I should share some of this symptom, in which I have obtained it from the web, with you all.
According to victim Gladys & BB, it is the feeling that your environment is moving when no movement occurs. It is more severe than dizziness as it can make moving around difficult, as the sensation of spinning affects your balance.
Vertigo occurs when sensation from the inner ear, eyes and sensation throughout the body (somatosensory) are mismatched. Humans need all three to get their balance through co-ordination of the brain. Any abnormality in one or more of these will trigger vertigo. It can attack you suddenly & last for just a few minutes, or it may occur on and off for a number of days. Symptoms of vertigo vary in severity and may include the following:
- a feeling your surroundings are moving or spinning,
- nausea,
- vomitting,
- difficulty in standing or walking,
- the sensation of light-headedness,
- the sensation of not being able to keep up with what you are looking at, and
- the sensation that the floor is moving.
Doctor would require details such as the sensation you felt, whether nausea was present and other sensation defects such as weakness of limbs or poor vision. These details will help the doctor get the correct diagnosis. There are few medications that help in relieving vertigo; eg. anti-vertiginous medication.
Vertigo is common in all populations but its management is tricky at times. So it is essential that patients with vertigo seek early treatment to rule out other more dangerous causes.
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