To the ladies out there, please ask yourself a question. Do you self-examine your breast? I didn't do it previously as I worried that I might discover something from the examination. Yes, I'm running away from reality or you may simply call me silly. However, thing has changed after my I did a lymphatic massage on Tuesday. I must admit that the lady boss is very experienced & she is skillful. Her hands ran through my breasts first. Then I noticed that her hand kept on circulating on my left breast. I sensed something wasn't right. As expected, she told me that she could felt a lump on my left breast. What a shocking news to end my day!
Then I started to google for breast cancer information once I was back home. I felt so worrisome after reading all the articles. Then I decided to turn off my notebook. I do not wanna read it anymore. Maybe it was nothing serious!
It was sad to say that I have a sleepless night. The lump was a nightmare to me. I drove to Seremban with a disturbing mind. I checked from Chloe who has her cyst aspirated before. Ee Ting who has wrongly self diagnosed also advised me to check with my O&G before jumping into the conclusion. So I rushed back to Pantai Ayer Keroh after half a day work.
Dr. Vishnu who is my O&G thought I come for womb check up again (Haha... I tend to check my womb every 6 months ever since I had my chocolate cyst removed in Jan 2007). Guess I am too 'kiasi'! Then I told him my problem. He has a thorough check on my 2 breasts. He even followed through with a ultrasound scan. Then he was pleased to tell me that there isn't any lump or cyst found in my left breast. It was just the enlargement of my breast lobule. Phew.... what a relief!

As usual you scared yourself for nothing. Silly girl.
What in the world is a breast lobule and why does it enlarge though?
Hi Cheng Leng, I'm not sure why does the lobule is enlarged. My O&G just told me that some women will encounter this problem but it is normal. Guess he knows I wasn't satisfied with the answer, he did an ultrasound for me. With this procedure, it helps to distinguish between cysts and solid masses and between benign and cancerous tumors. So, no cysts or solid masses were found. :)
Good to know that everything was fine... Yeah, for us to find something unusual in our body, we'll be dead worried,... haha kiasi, (scared to die)
I din do mine too.. I should check myself everytime I take bath.. sigh.. I scared too...
Scary but it's only wise to seek second or third opinions from specialists for any conclusion kan!
You scared me too, Lili. Thank goodness it's not cancer.
Glad that you are ok and thx for sharing this info! Have a nice day.
hi steph! it's so important to go for check up, especially us, ladies!
coincidently, i've just posted a post on breast cancer: Help Make June Survivor Month! if u hv time, u can post it in yr blog too! :)
btw, you've been invited to Go Green With AGP!! Hv fun! :)
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