I explained to the police that it must be dropped during my journey. However, he given me a stupid & ridiculous reply. He said that no matter where has it dropped to, I was still breaking the rule. He was being nasty & I knew that he wanted for some "duit kopi" (money)!
I pleased him to spare me off this time as it happened unintentionally. Guess what? Malaysia police will never change even though with their "Anti-Corruption" badge. He asked for RM 50 to settle off this issue as according to him, the compound will cost me RM 300.
I was quite pissed-off with their attitude. However, with his threat, I given him RM 30. Later I found out from most of my friends that this summon will only cost me RM 100. If I knew early, I will just asked him to issue the summon. I'm guilty now but I promise myself that I will not surrender to this Malaysia's 'rubbish' anymore.
Yes Li, you shouldn't have given him the money
Should just let him issue the summon, and pay only when PDRM have the "Summons Mega-Sales/Discounts"
Moreover Li.. Raya is coming laaa, so they are desperately looking for extra money lor
Ya lor. Very impulsive at that time & am regret now.
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